In an old house in Paris that is covered in vines Stand twelve young girls in two straight lines In two straight lines, they’ve played and grown They walk to school now on their own. And every night they’ve broken bread And brushed their teeth and gone… Read more »
Once upon a time, there was a sculptor who made a deal with the devil. He had not meant to do so. Indeed, he had no idea that the devil was anything other than an ordinary customer, come to his workshop to admire his work and his models, and haggle… Read more »
Neither of the LeBruns have ever been particularly artistically inclined. Madame’s mémère did fine embroidery, and had tried to teach her granddaughter, but Madame had never had the patience to learn. Nor did she have a gift for painting, though she quite liked pottery, the one time she tried… Read more »
Attenuated ‘In the evening, she would write down what he dictated and ask him to explain it, for she was really interested in hemihedral facets… Not only an incomparable mate for Pasteur, Mme Pasteur was also his best collaborator’ – Emile Roux It was ironic, thought Marie, that… Read more »
Thank you for choosing to stay at the The Hotel of the Gods! We are delighted to welcome you to the beautiful Mount Parnassus Resort, and trust you will have a truly ambrosial stay with us! To facilitate your enjoyment, we offer a complimentary guidebook to all… Read more »