They always tell the story wrong. There was no wicked fairy, no thieving father or nagging mother, nobody locked in a tower, and certainly no heroic, handsome prince. I do have nice hair, though. They got that part right, at least. The villain of this story… Read more »
Madame and Monsieur LeBrun are in very good health for their age. Indeed, the nice young lady doctor at their local clinic would probably be surprised if she knew just how old they were. Still, old age comes with certain discomforts, and one of these is the loss of old… Read more »
The archangel Michael does not look much like his statues. Not the one in the Fontaine Saint Michel, certainly, though Michael has always liked the different colours of marble, despite what people say. Not the gilded one on the spire of Mont Saint Michel, either, with the dragon that is… Read more »
Please don’t be afraid. I’m not actually a monster. Well, perhaps I am a monster. I know that princesses are not supposed to look like this. But you’re quite safe. Do I look like I have eaten any children today? Exactly. You’d know if I had. Listen, you applied for… Read more »
I. Every body persists in its state of being at rest or of moving uniformly straight forward, except insofar as it is compelled to change its state by force impressed. – Isaac Newton “I still don’t understand how it is that these ‘physical sciences’ you study are so important.”… Read more »
Thank you for choosing to stay at the The Hotel of the Gods! We are delighted to welcome you to the beautiful Mount Parnassus Resort, and trust you will have a truly ambrosial stay with us! To facilitate your enjoyment, we offer a complimentary guidebook to all… Read more »